Optimising your health through precision

Struggling to find the answers to questions about your health and wellness? Discover tailored solutions that address your unique needs. We uncover the root causes of your health concerns and help you take the necessary measures to live a happier and healthier life.

A new vision on health

At Precision Health Clinic, we are working to redefine healthcare. We combine comprehensive blood and genetic testing with a highly personalised engagement with our clients to better understand their health concerns. This functional approach allows us to treat our clients on a personalised, practical level and give them insights to achieve their unique health goals.

At the Precision Health Clinic, we believe in making imagination a reality through a scientific, clinical and personal approach.

Dr. Mansoor Mohammed, Ph.D.

How the process at Precision Health Clinic makes us unique as a healthcare provider

Tailored treatment

Every person in this world is unique. From our physical features, to our personalities, and even our living environments and conditions. Then why would a one-size-fits-all treatment work for every individual? At Precision Health Clinics, we tailor your treatment to your unique needs. We invest in understanding you at the functional level by examining your genetic makeup, delving deep into your medical history, and conducting a thorough blood analysis. But most importantly, by talking and listening to you.

The result is a precision tailored Personal Care Plan and a personalised treatment suited to your needs.

Our approach to your data

At Precision Health Clinic, we collect personal and health data to build your profile, create treatment protocols, study patterns, and contribute to the advancement of healthcare. This data is stored and accessed by appropriate staff in compliance with European GDPR and HIPAA regulations. We will not sell your data to third parties. However, from time to time, we may collaborate with industry partners for the purpose of advancing healthcare – whether in research, drug, or treatment development. In this case, health data is provided anonymously and aggregated, so no third party can ever associate health data points with personal data.

Book a personalised consult

We have helped thousands of patients over the years. Bringing together the power of functional genomics with the expertise of decades of clinical care. We combine that with the compassion needed to provide healthcare as it is meant to be: Precise, Preventive and Participatory.

Start your journey today and discover how to achieve the most optimal version of yourself for the rest of your life.

Read our latest insights on menopause

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Welcome to your journey at Precision Health Clinic

Do you need our help or are you curious about your options? Book a consultation now.

If you have a general question about our services, please email us at info@thephclinic.com. We will contact you as soon as possible. Please note, we do not answer medical questions over email. You can book a consultation with our doctors to discuss any medical questions.

If you have a medical emergency, contact your local hospital or emergency department, or call *115 for immediate service.