Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Precision Health Clinic (PHC) respects your privacy. Sometimes PHC needs personal information from you. In this statement, you can read which data PHC uses and how PHC stores, protects and processes this data. This privacy policy applies to our website and the services offered by PHC (the “Services”). PHC treats your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (the “Relevant Legislation”).


In order to be able to offer the PHC Website and Services, PHC processes personal data. The term “personal data” refers to information that can be used to identify you as a person. This definition is in accordance with the Relevant Legislation.


PHC may store your information at various times, such as when you visit the Website, create an account on the Website, use our Services or when you contact PHC. PHC is allowed to process your data because PHC asks for your permission through this privacy policy. In addition, your data is necessary to execute the agreement between you and PHC. If you choose not to share your information, PHC will unfortunately not be able to provide the services to you. PHC will not process your data without your consent, unless PHC is legally obliged to do so.


In order to use the PHC Website and Services, you may be asked to provide the following information:

  1. Your name

  2. Your address details

  3. Your gender

  4. Your nationality

  5. Your date of birth

  6. Your phone number

  7. Your e-mail address

  8. Your payment details

  9. Health data.

PHC also collects non-personal information from you when you use the Website, such as:

  1. The name of the browser you’re using

  2. The operating system you’re using

  3. The service provider with which you have internet access.


At Precision Health Clinic, we collect personal and health data to build your profile, create treatment protocols, study patterns, and contribute to the advancement of healthcare. This data is stored and accessed by appropriate staff in compliance with European GDPR and HIPAA regulations. We will not sell your data to third parties. However, from time to time, we may collaborate with industry partners for the purpose of advancing healthcare – whether in research, drug, or treatment development. In this case, health data is provided anonymously and aggregated, so no third party can ever associate health data points with personal data.

Health data is obtained from our own research by PHC doctors. In addition, health data is obtained from the client directly or, with the client’s explicit permission, from client’s general practitioner or other healthcare providers, through letters, phone calls, emails, or from the electronic patient record of the respective healthcare provider. Processing of health data always takes place within the framework of the services of PHC, by or under the responsibility of registered healthcare professionals. Additionally, these data are available to the complaints officer of PHC to the extent that a complaint or report makes it necessary.


PHC processes your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Handling your payment

  • Sending a newsletter

  • To be able to call or e-mail you, if this is necessary to be able to perform our services

  • Inform you about changes to services and products

  • To deliver goods and services to you

  • PHC also processes personal data if we are legally obliged to do so, such as data that is necessary for tax returns.


Your name, e-mail address, address(es) and payment details are required to order and to book consults. PHC will register, store and process your data for the correct processing of the order or consult. In addition, this information can be used for any subsequent warranty. In the process of processing your order, PHC will provide the delivery service with necessary personal data.

PHC will only use your data for the above purposes, or for a purpose that is closely related to them. This way, your data will not be used by PHC in an unexpected way.


PHC makes every effort to protect your personal data against loss, destruction, use, alteration or distribution of your personal data by unauthorized persons. PHC protects your data by, among other things:

  • limit access to the data to the persons who need the data

  • TLS (formerly SSL) data via a secure internet connection. You can see this by the address bar ‘https’ and the padlock in the address bar

  • All electronic devices are password protected

  • The computers use encryption, which means that data is not easily visible to others.


PHC will not store your personal data for longer than is necessary for the purposes described above.


It is not uncommon for other parties to receive your data from PHC. In a processing agreement, we agree with the parties that they will handle your data with care. They only receive the data that is necessary to provide their service. These parties will only use your data in accordance with the instructions given by PHC and not for their own purposes. For example, PHC may transfer your data to online storage servers. They will take care of the storage of the data. These parties are “processors” within the meaning of the Relevant Legislation.


PHC will only process your data within the European Union. Outside the European Union, PHC will only process your data if that country offers an adequate level of protection for your data. Without your consent, PHC will never transfer your data to other countries or to parties other than those mentioned above.


A cookie is a text file that is sent to the browser via a website’s server. The browser will then save the file to your device. Your device will be given a unique number, which our site will use to recognize the device later.

PHC may use cookies to improve your experience on the Website. Cookies also ensure, among other things, that the Website is fast, that you can visit the Website safely and that we can detect errors on the Website.

By storing cookies, PHC also ensures that:

  • the website is fast,

  • errors and inconveniences on the website can be detected,

  • improvements can be tested.

You can always delete or disable cookies yourself via the browser settings. Cookies will then no longer be stored when you visit the Website. However, please note that without cookies, the Website may not work as well.


PHC may amend this privacy policy. If PHC changes the privacy policy to a significant extent, there will be a notification on the Website, together with the new privacy policy. PHC will notify users who are registered with their e-mail address of any changes. If you are not registered as a user, I recommend that you consult the Website and this statement regularly.


The data PHC collects from you is personal. You therefore have the following rights:

  • You may ask PHC to inspect your data;

  • You may ask PHC to correct, restrict or delete your data. This can be done by contacting In the event of fraud, non-payment or other unlawful acts, PHC may keep some of your data in a register or on a blacklist;

  • You may ask PHC for a copy of your data. PHC can also pass on this copy to another party – at your request – so that you no longer have to do this yourself;

  • You can object to the processing of your data;

  • You can file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority if you believe that PHC is processing your data unlawfully;You can withdraw your consent to the processing of your data at any time. From the moment you withdraw your consent, PHC is no longer allowed to process your data.

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